In the comments on my last post Arlene and Billie mentioned ATV problems with neighbors. I've had more than enough problems with ATVs and dirt bikers here. When I first moved here almost 9 years ago, it seemed like almost every kid on this street had a dirt bike. Of course, I didn't find that out until AFTER I moved in. This is a "quiet" dead end road, or so I thought. During the summer and on weekends and school holidays, the ATVs and dirt bikes would be speeding up and down the street.
Not only is it illegal for these vehicles to be on the road (they're not insured or registered) most of the kids were well under 16yo. Nine years later, since I still saw the 2 youngest at the school bus stop last year, that means they were under 10. Mass. law regarding dirt bikes and ATVs states that children under 16 years of age are supposed to be accompanied by an adult! It makes me so angry. Even if it weren't for the danger with the horses and dogs (Lyca seems to think they're noisy deer) I hate listening to the noise all day long and smelling the diesel fumes when I'm out hiking in the woods with the dogs. What is it with the parents letting their kids do this? It's illegal! And, it's illegal because it's not safe for all concerned!
My riding ring runs right along the road and at about the mid-point of the ring the road starts to drop down hill. I swear the kids would come speeding down the road trying to "catch air" there. Doesn't make for calm riding. If I wanted to hack out, I could only safely go out when the kids were in school, or else very early in the mornings. It wasn't safe to be out after 9:00 am on weekends or holidays.
Jeeves, being the perfect horse that he is, was pretty good about most of it. Unless they're going really fast and popping the clutch, he doesn't spook much, but even he gets upset when they're being idiots. Lance is high strung anyway and it's dangerous for her to ride him with the dirt bikes around. So, we started calling the police every time we heard them. I felt bad bothering the police, but fortunately, one of the police officers is a horse person, so he understands. It took awhile, but they started nabbing the kids and slowly things improved. Also, most of the kids have grown up and have either moved away or are in college or working, so they're not around. There's only 2 left and they're manageable. It's so nice now to be able to hop on Jeeves on a hot afternoon and just hack him down the street. I keep my ear out, especially around the 2 houses that still have the kids that ride, but so far, I haven't had any problems. Phew!
Now, if I could just convince Terri that it's safe for her to venture out with Lance, maybe we can actually go out on the trails together.