Wanted to post these old pics of Jeeves and Lance playing last winter. Notice Lance showing Jeeves how to pull his blanket. And, yes, I often find their blankets on the ground, with all the straps and clips still fastened. Houdinis!
I've had a couple of lessons so far this year and wanted to share the new exercises Kathy has given me. First, and one that I really like is the simplest. Just back up. More than just the standard 3 or 4 steps. I find with Jeeves it's about 10-12 steps backing up before I feel "it". Don't worry about going straight, chances are as the horse is backing up the hamstring on one side or the other will suddenly stretch and the horse will start taking longer steps with that hind leg and end up going crooked. That's ok. Don't rush it, just sit light and keep asking for backward steps. The "it" that you're looking for is a rounding or engagement of the loin. I can feel his back engage just behind the saddle. Then, I just ask him to step forward into an active trot and he's very light, very round, and very active. I was doing it too much, I think, as he stopped backing up at one point and started doing turns on the forehand instead. So, now I only ask for this every other or 3rd ride.

The next 2 exercises that Kathy has given us are canter exercises. While I love the canter and tend to work more in the canter than any other gait, I do find the canter exercises are the hardest! Why is that? Hmmmm....

Anyway, the first one starts out in the walk. On a 5 meter circle, although I admit I cheat and probably do it on an 8m circle. Change the bed to the outside and pick up the counter canter on the 5m circle. Canter 1/2 the circle then down to the walk. Repeat a few times, then walk break. Change direction and do the same in the other direction. I don't know about Jeeves, but I really felt the burn in my thighs doing this one! It was hard, but it definately helped with collection and engagement.

Enjoy! If anyone out there tries these, let me know what you think!
Love your pictures, they are so adorable. We have a few houdini's in residence too.
It's always nice to have lessons and a plan on how to go about doing things isn't it?
I will have to try the backing exercise. I love those photos of the two working on that blanket! LOL.
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